Euro Trip

 Since we left... *tear*

Europe 01 Europe 02 Europe 03 Europe 04 Europe 05 Europe 06 Europe 07

Day 3, July 27, 2005

The following pictures were taken during our second day in Rome:

Above is a collage of some of the many places we visited this day, including: St. Peter's Square, Basilica di San Pietro, Musei Vaticani, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, and the Pantheon (not the Parthenon)

Day 2, July 26, 2005

The following pictures were taken in Roma, our first day there.

Look here for more info on the Basilica. Pope St. Pius V (1566-1572) is shown above.

Day 1, July 25, 2005

I'm reposting pictures from our trip a year ago. We begin yesterday on the trip's year anniversary. Enjoy the pictures!

The following pictures were taken in transit from Louisville to Rome via Detroit. If I remember correctly we left Louisville later during the day and didn't arrive in Rome until the middle of the next day (July 26).

Contemplating what lies ahead
Adams picture of yeiser
Yeisers picture of adam. We sure were camera whores (and picture happy)
Conquerors ready to descend upon our new continent
What a great group. We were pumped and ready to see the sights of this world


I love this free internet... Tres Coole, Molto Bene, if you will.

Anyways, all I said was the name of a local beer, Birra Peroni, the bottle cap was lying on the street. The guy freaked out. I think he was trying to cuss at us in every language he knew, b/c it sounded like he was switching up languages. Anyways, I thought I was learning some italian this summer, but was wrong. I didn't learn jack crap.

But we are going to the Vatican tomorrow. To mass, an open air food market for breakfast and lunch, and of course the museum--I'm not missing out on the Sistine Chapel. Hopefully we get a chance to see the pope when he gives his free audience every wednesday.

We did make it to a cafe to get some gelatto, not the one adam and yeiser originally wanted to go to, but one none the less. I ordered us a bottle of Chianti so we could have a proper italian "eurotrip" toast. Not very well received, I think most of the crowd has a sweeter tongue. They'll love the sweet whites from Alsace in Paris. Hopefully I can get a wonderful Gewurztraminer.

Well, It's burning up in here, and I'm dripping sweat, so I'm out.



We officially arrived in Rome at approximately 11 am local time today, which is about 5 am eastern time. Most of us got some sleep, but I, being 6'5 and all, didn't really get any. We arrived at our hostel without any real problems and have spent most of the day thus far exploring the surrounding areas on foot. During our exploration we got cussed out by a drunken Italian guy, presumably due to Laso's attempt at speaking Italian (even though it wasn't directed at the guy). The plan for now is to eat dinner here at the hostel tonight and then go searching for some good Italian gelatto. Tomorrow it looks ilke we will be heading to the Vatican. Maybe we'll see the Pope helping the cats!!



Gearing Up

As the departure date draws ever nearer, it's high time we start thinking about what kind of gear we'll need to bring to maximize efficiency and minimize space. When I was at home last week I purchased the following two items:

Both are North Face, which is extremely good, extremely durable gear which makes it worth the money. The zip-off pants will offer some nice flexibility and they won't wrinkle. The jacket is a waterproof, lightweight shell that pack down nicely when not being used.

Anyone else bought anything yet?